Selected Publications

"Five Excerpts from ‘The Craft of Bouldering’, a Must-Have New Book," Gripped, December 2024

"Fear of Other People's Opinions," Strong Mind Climbing, August, 2024 

Training Beta Podcast: "How to Use Zen for Performance Anxiety, Fear, and Grief with Francis Sanzaro," December 2024

"The Wilderness Isn’t Meant To Be Safe — It’s Meant To Be Wild – By Francis Sanzaro"

"What Exactly Are We Doing When Trying Hard Boulders?" Climbing Magazine, December 2024

"The Power of Awareness: An Interview with Rock Climber Francis Sanzaro," Lion's Roar, June 2024

"Francis Sanzaro and the Zen of Climbing," First Ascent Podcast, 2024.

"Let Your Mind Move," Lion's Roar, 2024.

"The Zen of Performance with Author, Athlete and Philosopher Francis Sanzaro," MicroCoaching, 2024.

"Francis Sanzaro: The Zen of Climbing," a podcast by Moon and Back Coaching

"Goal-setting can set you up for failure—experts share 2 simple alternatives," CNBC, 2023.

"When I Stopped Trying to Self-Optimize, I Got Better," New York Times, 2023.

"The Next Walk You Take Could Change Your Life," Sunday New York Times print (and online).

"The Zen of Climbing," excerpt from book, UKC.

"The Wilderness Isn’t Meant to be Safe — It’s Meant to be Wild." TEDx, Denver.

"ReThinking Movement Philosophy," Uncommon Success podcast.

"Confidence is Overrated in Climbing,"

"Climbing Should be Dangerous," Climbing magazine.

"The Mountains are Graveyards. Some Climbers See Ghosts," Rock and Ice (print).

"Lessons I Learned Running in a Hurricane," Trail Runner magazine. 

"The Perils of Plastic: Gym Climbing’s Most Common Accidents," Gym Climber.

"A Review of The Alpinist: What It Means to Live, and Die, in the Mountains," Climbing magazine

"What Do Climbing, Surfing and Skateboarding Have in Common?" Gym Climber magazine

"Climbing Went Olympic. What Just Happened, Really?" Climbing magazine.

"The Love and Madness of Hot Springs in the West," Outside magazine

"Streams Running Clear," Adventure Journal #18, feature, print. 

"The Homeland," Sicilian travel writing feature, Rock and Ice print feature. 

Enormocast, episode 21.

Interviewed for "Fifty Places to Rock Climb Before You Die," book chapter

"The Day I Sandbagged my Boss," Rock and Ice

"Cinnamon from Pakistan," fiction, in Vol. 1 Brooklyn

BBC World News interview.

"Seven Beginner Climber Mistakes," Climbing.

BYU Radio podcast.

Are Mountain Climbers Selfish? New York Times Sunday Review (print and digital)

Dry Run: Rock Climbing in the Olympics. Gym Climber magazine.

Interview with Alex Honnold on 'Free Solo,' Rock and Ice magazine.'

The Origins of Mountaineering Art. Ascent magazine.

Fear Boredom More Than the Rise of Machines: The Scotsman (sunday print edition)

Society Elsewhere as a top book CEOs are reading

Mountains and Freedom: New York Times Sunday Review (sunday print and digital) 

Short story: "The Cutter," Vol. 1 Brooklyn. 

Short story: "Ectopia Cordis," Breadcrumbs magazine.

Technology / bodies / exercise 

"Why We Run...On Trails," Huffington Post

"On Ditching Your Kids," Huffington Post 

"The Future of Bouldering," UK Climbing 

Huff Post Religion and Algorithms

Huff Post Censorship and Childbirth.

"Solo Climbing and Alex Honnold," Rock and Ice magazine

"When the Earth Enters You," Happy Hipocrite.

"Canyon Elsewhere," Sierra Nevada Review

"A Review of Francis Bacon: A Centenary Retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art," Comparative and Continental Philosophy

"​JCRT: On Contemporary Art

Baltimore Post Examiner: On Ed-tech 

Climbing Writing

Quoted at length in The Olympics and the Battle for Climbing

Where to find me:

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